We're not just about pretty clothes - we're also about purpose!

I'm really excited because yesterday we received approval for a proposal to present a research project at the Second International Symposium on Fiber Recycling (Fiber Recycling 2009) May 11-12, 2009 held at the Global Learning Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Our presentation is called: Historic Review of Garment Reuse and Implications for the Future of Redesign.

Professor Farrell and I submitted an abstract based on work we're doing with the recycling of fabric - building off of her fall textile recycling project with a group of 6 students doing a directed study, we'll be working with an honors student, Fallon Coster, this semester to further research the history of garment reuse and redesign.

The conference is in Atlanta from May 11 & 12; the last one was in Kyoto, Japan. Here is a link to the conference webpage. http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~yw6/fr09/ If you click on Preliminary Program you'll see us listed!
The organization is a group of people from the US & Japan. The presenters on the list are a pretty impressive group ... present company included ;0}

Another thing to keep on your radar -- redesign of used clothing!

One in a large group of things we can do to connect fashion and sustainability. We're not just about pretty clothes - we're also about purpose!! Check out this video on Dazed Digital of Dr. Noki, a "punk/psychabilly/present/customization/future/sustainability" designer from London.
