Garment review for undergraduates was a success.

Last night we finally managed to hold the Garment Review for the work students completed last semester. With the snow, we had to postpone it twice! We had a great turnout, and over 120 garments were evaluated. Be sure to save the date of April 29 to come and see them in RUNWAY 2011!
Fashion Office Assistant Christa Langhben,
Fashion Retail and Merchandising senior,
managing the check-in desk in the Campus Center
Freshmen designers and models preparing for the review.
Professor Morris evaluating a jacket made in the Tailoring class.
 Check out the embroidery on the bottom!
Professor Carey observing and waiting to photograph the models while
Professor Farrell evaluates a dress and explains to the student designer how to make it better.

Smiling and ready to head home after the review...
